Have you seen any whales between Statia and St Kitts and Nevis? Fort de Windt at Whitewall and the Whale Lookout Spot at the Miriam C Schmidt Botanical Garden are great lookout spots. You can visit these areas frequently, during the upcoming weeks, for a chance viewing of these majestic marine mammals.
Tag: Sharks

Sharing the beach with Statia's nesting sea turtles
STENAPA has been quite busy with Statia’s sea turtles. A few weeks after the first hawksbill nesting event on Oranjebaai, the program received a call that the nest was accidentally dug up. Luckily no eggs were destroyed and the….

STENAPA staff participate in exchange with STINAPA
STENAPA is grateful for the time and knowledge shared during last week’s staff exchange between STENAPA, their Partner DCNA and our sister national parks foundation STINAPA. Being able to share their stories as well as….

News Bites
STENAPA strengthened its long-standing ties with the dive centres…. 5 STENAPA teams are surveying the island this week for the 1st bird count this year. By estimating… STENAPA highlights sharks on Endangered Species Day as the team tagged two Caribbean Reef….