STENAPA is mandated by the National Government to manage the National Parks of St. Eustatius. c
Tag: marine

STENAPA Turtle ID Project - Citizen Science
Turtles play a crucial role in the health of various marine ecosystems, such as coral reefs and sea grass beds. STENAPA is using photos of sea turtles as a non-invasive tool

Ti Whale An Nou #3 - Marine Mammal Expedition
The 3rd Ti whale An Nou expedition of the year 2022 took place from May 17th to June 1st. It allowed us to cover the North of the Lesser Antilles over 15 days. The departure was made from the city of Le Marin in Martinique with a direct

Diadema - long-spined sea urchin
Diadema are long-spined sea urchins. They are important herbivores that graze on algae, that could overgrow the slow-growing corals on the reef. Their impact on the health of the reef is so great that several projects have focus on

Vacancies: Turtle Program
During the turtle nesting season which runs from July till December, you will be assisting the Turtle Program Volunteer Coordinator with night patrols on Zeelandia beach, monitoring nesting sea turtles. You will assist with gathering data from sea turtles that generally nest