We can all help our local iguana by spotting the invasive Green Iguana and reporting it immediately to STENAPA. Take this poll to see if you know how to know the difference between the invasive Green Iguana and the protected Lesser….
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STENAPA Summer Club 2020 Recap
Two weeks of STENAPA Kids Summer Club started on July 27th and ended on August 7th. The first week catered to those aged 8-11 and the second week catered to those 12-15. Each year, the program hopes to encourage a group of….
High 5 Shopping Mart starts donating drive for STENAPA
In support of the work that St Eustatius National Parks STENAPA is doing, the management of High 5 Shopping Mart has initiated a donation drive to encourage more people to support the worthy cause. Store management has placed a…..
Sea Turtle Season Begins on Statia
The sea turtle nesting season has officially begun on St Eustatius. STENAPA’s Marine Park Manager and Sea Turtle Program Coordinator, Jessica Berkel found 18 green sea turtle activities (beach crawls with or without successful nesting) …..
Recent Measures Against Sand-mining Explained
In the recent years large scale sand-mining, which is banned on Statia, has taken place at Zeelandia beach. Although efforts were made to block vehicle access to the beach, individuals have, through the removal of vegetation, created a path…..