The sea turtle nesting season has officially begun on St Eustatius. STENAPA’s Marine Park Manager and Sea Turtle Program Coordinator, Jessica Berkel found 18 green sea turtle activities (beach crawls with or without successful nesting) …..

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Recent Measures Against Sand-mining Explained
In the recent years large scale sand-mining, which is banned on Statia, has taken place at Zeelandia beach. Although efforts were made to block vehicle access to the beach, individuals have, through the removal of vegetation, created a path…..

Annual Community Clean Up 2020
Statia can be as beautiful, cherished, and respected as we want her to be. Therefore, it is our responsibility to manage our waste first and foremost as individuals. Before anyone comes to clean the roadsides or collect waste bins, we have…..

Happy World Sea Turtle Day
It is World Sea Turtle Day and the last day of Sea Turtle Week and we have compiled all the sea turtle related videos and photos that we shared since World Oceans Day on June 8th. You may have missed one or two videos or simply want to watch them again. Remember to share the love……

Sea Turtle Conservation Program on St. Eustatius
Since 2002, STENAPA has been monitoring the sea turtles that visit the shores of St Eustatius and the surrounding Marine Park. Nightly patrols help us spot the tracks of hawksbill, green and and leatherback turtles (although….