To begin with, the 11 – 16th of November was Statia Week leading up to Statia Day, a national holiday that commemorates the date in 1776, when Statia became the first foreign land to salute the American fleet and recognise the country’s independence. Statia also adopted a new flag on……
Month: January 2020

STENAPA Newsletter Wrap Up 2019
We could say that it was a year of new faces and fresh approaches as several staff members joined the team at the beginning of the year. A nature agreement with the government was signed mid year as the previous Director Clarissa Buma said…..

National Parks Nature Chase 2022
The National Parks Foundation, STENAPA, is organizing their first ever Nature Chase on Statia Day, Wednesday, Nov 16 2022. This ‘triathlon’ will give people the opportunity to experience all three National Parks in one day.